A Lesson from Rwanda on Compassion and Courage Reply

By Heather Craig

After spending 11 days in Rwanda, studying justice and reconciliation post genocide, I’ve returned with a copious amount of information.  Visiting memorials and listening to the accounts of survivors and perpetrators of the 1994 genocide proved to be an emotional and enlightening experience.  More…

The Conversation: Bolivia’s Big Opportunity Reply

An indigenous Bolivian plays a traditional flute at the Valle de la Luna near La Paz, Bolivia. Photo by Brian Seavitt

 By renationalizing its oil and gas, Bolivia has lifted its economy, but the country needs to invest in its people and diversify its economy in order to achieve sustainable growth. Brian Seavitt suggests how. More…

The Conversation: Covert Comrades 1

Jane photoMcClenahan writes: For those interested in what is going on inside Russia I can highly recommend a newly published book which looks at how the internet has been faciliating alternative political voices inside the country. “Now I Know Who My Comrades Are” by Emily Parker considers opposition voices in China, Cuba, and Russia.



The Conversation: new on Tutawaza 1

Here on Tutawaza, we thought we’d add  a little something to the site. In addition to our regular blogs where our team reflect on initiatives in global development, we’ll be bringing you shorter pieces on what’s in the news, and behind the headlines. Serious, humorous and sometimes just stories that grabbed our attention and that we’d like to share here.

We’d like to know what you’re interested in too. So, please do tweet us @tutawaza, find us on Facebook at Tutawaza or meal tutawaza@gmail.com.

So, first up is a television series that could be worth a watch. In the West, television mockumentaries have become increasingly popular. Now, Kenya has got its first one. Like Ricky Gervais’s groundbreaking series, it is based in an office.

Here though it’s called  ‘The Samaritans’, and for those of us involved in international development, the joke may be on us.  There are clips available on its website .  Hopefully, the full episodes will be available soon. The clip showing the team working to create a new acronym to help them get a funding grant looked promising.